Monday 18 May 2015

Prince Marvels C. Emmanuel Unveils A New Game: Sprint Soccer

It is definitely a new game. Without denying the fact that there may be arguments that it is a concoction of two games. Sprint Soccer (S2) was first described by Prince Marvels C. Emmanuel, Director at Ciphey International Limited in the third weekend of May, 2015. 

Sprint Soccer Requirements
  1. Minimum of two competitors.
  2. One soccer ball each for every contestant.
  3. A goal post for each contestant at the end of the tracks.
  4. Soccer shoes. (This is optional, a grassy pitch may not require soccer shoes)

How To Play Sprint Soccer
  1. Each ball is placed  at the centre of the starting line inside the track.
  2. Tracks are made 1 meter apart. 
  3. Participants stand behind their respective balls waiting for the gunshot or whistle.
  4. A goal post is positioned  for each participant at the end of each track.
  5. Goal posts are designed in 1 metre by 1 metre dimensions.
  6. The goal posts are of equal dimensions but are blocked at the base such that horizontal shots (shots that are parallel to the ground) would hardly result in goals except they are strong enough.
  7. The blocking to goal posts are 1 foot tall and 1 meter wide.
  8. At the sound of the gunshot or whistle each participant starts kicking the ball and running with it towards the finishing line.
  9. Participants who kick the ball outside their tracks are disqualified.
  10. Before the finishing line there is a Quick Shot Area (QSA).
  11. The QSA is the last point where shots can be taken.
  12. Each goal post is positioned 12 metres away from the finishing line.
  • Participants can shoot the ball towards the goal post  from any position inside their respective tracks.
  • Once a contestant gets into the Quick Shot Area, shots must be taken within 4 seconds or else such participant becomes disqualified. This means that participants must take their shots before crossing the finishing line.
  • Contestants must cross the finishing line to finish the game.
  • Any contestant who does not cross the finishing line is disqualified.
  • Contestants who spend more than 4 seconds inside the QSA are disqualified.
  • Participants who fail to take shots are disqualified.
  • Participants who disturb other participants in any form are disqualified.
  • Where a participant is disturbed by a co-contestant such disturbed contestant can still continue the in game not minding related issues.
  • Shot resulting in goal earns scoring participants equal points.
  • Positions are taken as with other sprint events; 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.
  • A goal is valid only if the shot by the relevant contestant lands inside the contestant's goal post.
  • A shot which lands in the goal post of a co-contestant is void goal.
  • Goals supersede positions. Should a person finish as the fastest but scores no goal, the position attained by being the fastest is forfeited. Such contestant may only be adjudged the first again if all other participants score no goal.
  • If the slowest contestant (taking last position) in the game scores a goal where other participants do not score goals, the slowest participant takes the first position, the fastest contestant takes the second position and other contestants take their positions in that order.
  • Each participant is monitored by two officials; one official monitors movement in the track, finishing line and time spent in the QSA, the other official monitors total time-taken with a stop watch.


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