Thursday 28 May 2015

Prince Marvels C. Emmanuel: Profile

I am Prince Marvels Emmanuel from the Dynasty of His Royal Majesty King Emmanuel The Great. By the Authority of The King I coordinate youth-oriented operations most of which are focused on Africa and based in Nigeria. By the endowments and privileges of my royal status I stand as a Royal Delegate in the Commonwealth of Israel. I have a bequest with specific projects implementation instructions for the benefits of young people in Nigeria and Africa. I am a Content Developer for Terrestrial Broadcasts, Web and Mobile.

My team and I employ the largesse at our disposal to design, build structures and enhance talent optimization and wealth creation for the young populace in Nigeria and Africa. We are passionate about the development and ultimate emancipation of Nigeria and Africa and we engineer the actualization of our projections by empowering young people in Nigeria first, Africa next and the Global Village ultimately.


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