Sunday 3 May 2015

Prince Marvels C. Emmanuel: Author of The First Ever Utility Innovated e-Book (UIe) and the Innovator of Soft Utility Publishing (SoUP)

Definitely, he is a celebrity in his own right having worked for a number of years on this novel approach to e-publishing. Soft Utility Publishing (SoUP) is definitely a rare idea that sprang up from a quest to strengthen the weak young people of Nigeria and Africa who face several challenges which could be mitigated or cancelled by utilizing good opportunities for learning. But how can these young people access such opportunities when they are limited or non-existent?

According to Prince Marvels C. Emmanuel, "We have an idea of what they feel having gone through, from a piece to a chunk of the cruel situations in the sun-blessed continent of Africa in which I have lived for close to four decades now. A horde of young Africans who are really blessed get stuck in the struggles for survival and so the innate blessings embedded in them get subsumed by the ordeals of having to make ends meet  in an environment that is harsh to productivity. 

Added to that is the temptation to follow the vicious path and employ dubious and venomous means to cushion the effects of the artificial hardship exuding from the conglomeration of various dynamics of inhumane and selfish installations. Access to good education seems like climbing the rocky Everest in the heat spanning 10:00 hours to 15:30 hours on GMT scale in the heart of Nigeria. Hardly could anyone think of good education under such conditions.

But we are particularly glad for coming this far despite all odds. The cake we are giving has been crowned by proper icing, it is coming all free to these young Africans who in the days ahead shall assume various leadership positions as God gives grace. We are pleased." Said he. Details...


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